Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Favorite Conductor

There are certain mornings when you just know it's going to be a good day. Today was one of those. The reason being that today I was fortunate enough to get on the train which was under the command of my favorite conductor.

I've never actually seen her, but I've just heard her voice through the aged, crackly, and exceedingly loud overhead speakers on my train ride to work. I don't know much about her, but I know she makes me feel good about myself.

Most conductors deliver their routine announcements as if they are irritated with such a chore. But this lady always delivers her messages with a positive message and upbeat tone. She says some variation of, "Good morning to you all"; "You are a beautiful person"; "Be safe and be happy"; "Remember to have a wonderful day." So, pretty much, she's a motivational speaker. She sounds a little "out there", but she's a refreshing break from the mundane and depressing subway surroundings.

I've been lucky enough to get on her train a few times in the past and it always makes my morning. I've also noticed others in the train car smiling when she makes her announcements. Her positive attitude seems to be infectious. If only other conductors would adopt her approach...the public transit system would be a much happier place.

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Carson Stokebrand
c/o Dr. Chhaya Dey
116 Pinehurst Ave. #J-14
New York, NY 10033
