Friday, March 12, 2010

A Day On The Set

Last Friday, I was given the privilege of going along on the "remote shoot." This means I got to go along as they taped footage for an extra segment. We filmed inside the theater, outside on the street, and at a nearby pub. Usually these little segments have one of the show's staff members going out and doing something funny. Occasionally, they also get "friends of the show" to do a segment. Last week's shoot featured an actor and comedian who shall remain nameless for now. Sorry, but I'm just not sure if they want it publicized yet or not. It's not a big secret, but better safe than sorry.

My primary role on the set was to just stand there and observe; it was supposed to be a learning experience for me. However, they did give me some responsibility by putting me in charge of the water. I know, I know....very important...haha! But hey, you've got to keep those actors hydrated! I also was given the responsibility of cuing one of the stunt police cars when it was time for them to start driving.

Anyways, it was fun spending the day watching as the cast and crew shot footage for the segment. I felt like I was on a movie set the whole time. There I was, brushing shoulders with an actor I've seen in several movies and has appeared on several television shows. I also found it incredible how much shooting they do for a video that will probably only be a few minutes long when it's finished being edited. The shoot took most of the day, and towards the end my supervisor said I didn't have to stick around since it was getting so late. However, I decided to stay longer because I figured it's not every day I get to go on a television shoot!

The day was a day of mostly observing, but I still had a great time. I'm enjoying the different things they are letting me do at the show. Last week I got to sit in the control room during taping, then I got to go on a remote shoot, and next week I've been invited to attend a voice-over recording should be a good time.

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Carson Stokebrand
c/o Dr. Chhaya Dey
116 Pinehurst Ave. #J-14
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