Friday, January 22, 2010

From "Highland View" to "Hudson View"

So I thought it might be helpful to explain my current living situation since it was the inspiration for the title of this blog.

I am currently living in Hudson View Apartments located in the Washington Heights neighborhood located in the northwest corner of Manhattan. I actually just realized how similar the names of my Lincoln and New York apartment complexes are. In Lincoln I lived in Highland View Apartments and now I'm living in Hudson View Apartments. I guess it's pretty common to have "view" in the name of an apartment complex. After all, doesn't everyone want a place with a great view?

Anyways, Washington Heights is named after Fort Washington which was a Continental Army fortification located on Manhattan's highest point during the Revolutionary War. Actually, in Bennett Park, which is located directly adjacent to Hudson View Apartments, there is a plaque marking Manhattan's highest natural elevation. Okay, enough with the history lesson.

Washington Heights used to have a fairly high crime rate and parts of it still does, but fortunately my neighborhood is pretty safe. I've been told the apartment complex is home to many intellectuals and musicians. For example, the musical directors from the Broadway musical Mamma Mia live in the complex. Additionally, many professors live here.

The building exterior somewhat reminds me of England. Old-fashioned bricks and stones are prevalent in it's design. Additionally, it has a somewhat half-timbered structure which really reminds me of London.

So, how did I find this apartment? Well, when my Mom's close friend (who was also my kindergarten teacher), Pat Sudrla (or Mrs. S. as I called her), found out I was moving to New York she contacted her niece, Amy, who lives at Hudson View. Amy knew of someone who was looking for a student to rent a spare bedroom, and that is all I needed. Amy called up her friend and got me the place. Their help made my search much easier and was definitely appreciated!

The person I am renting the room from is actually a 70-year-old Indian woman named Chhaya. She is a retired teacher, with a PhD from Columbia who now teaches yoga. She's quite an interesting person, I'll leave it at that. However, I'm very appreciative of her opening her home to me.

I am lucky enough to have a room with two windows giving me quite the view. From my window facing the south I have a beautiful view of the complex's courtyard complete with rose bushes, walk-ways and park benches. It's especially picturesque right after a bit of snowfall. From my window to the west I have a view of, well, two other apartment buildings across the street. However, between the buildings I can see the not-to-distant Hudson River. Yep, the same one Captain "Sully" successfully crash-landed a US Airways passenger plane in.

So, here I sit in my two-windowed bedroom, each window with unique and contrasting views; located on Manhattan's highest natural point; looking out at the city full of countless images, places and people waiting to be 'viewed' by me.

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My NYC Address

Carson Stokebrand
c/o Dr. Chhaya Dey
116 Pinehurst Ave. #J-14
New York, NY 10033
