Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Live From New York!

What a difference six months can make. Last summer I wrote to you from Montana while working at a campground just outside of Yellowstone National Park. I wrote to you from, what I consider to be, one of the most scenic and comforting places I’ve visited. Now, I’m writing to you from yet another scenic place, only it’s a different type of scenery. The lodgepole pines have been replaced by steel skyscrapers. The bald eagles have been replaced by countless pigeons. And my fear of being mauled by a grizzly bear has been replaced by a fear of being mugged. It’s certainly a different place, but I’m excited about this new adventure.

I’ve always hoped for the opportunity to work in New York City and that dream has now become a reality. This semester I am working as the writers’ intern at the Late Show with David Letterman. It’s pretty much an ideal internship for me. Unfortunately, I am unable to let you in on too many details of what I do on a day-to-day basis because of proprietary reasons. Therefore, most of what I write will be about general observations and experiences I have in the city. However, I can assure you my work is primarily basic intern stuff. I run scripts around, pick up video tapes, order food and pretty much do whatever the writers need done.

It’s fun just being here where I get to see how a television production is run. I had no idea how many coordinating efforts go into producing this show every night. I couldn’t believe how many people there are actually working here and how each person has a very specific role in ensuring each day the show gets put together.

Before you even ask...no, unfortunately, I haven’t seen Dave yet. I’m guessing I’ll see him in passing eventually though. However, I do see the rest of the supporting cast on a fairly regular basis. I periodically see Paul Shaffer, Alan Kalter (the announcer), Biff Henderson (stage manager), Tony Mendez (cue card guy), and Rupert Jee (owner of the Hello Deli). Tony Mendez even asked me to be in an episode of his online web series, The Tony Mendez Show, which can be found on the Late Show’s website. I’ll post the link as soon as they get it online.

Anyway, this blog is officially up and running. I will do my best to update it a couple times a week so you can stay up-to-date on my experiences here in the Big Apple. If you enter your email address in the specified box in the column to the right you can be notified via email on days when I post something new. If you have any questions please give me a call or feel free to leave me a comment.


  1. There had better be a "Highlight of the Day" section again!

  2. You don't have to tell me twice to subscribe to "My View from Hudson View."

    Your pictures all look very sharp, and I like that...


My NYC Address

Carson Stokebrand
c/o Dr. Chhaya Dey
116 Pinehurst Ave. #J-14
New York, NY 10033
